A collection that contains photos made in various sub Saharan countries from 1997 to 2024.
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73 imagesKaranda Mission Hospital, Zimbabwe, 2024 large work prints and order in which I present them. This gallery changes. Go to Selects B Karanda Mission Hospital for current outs.
10 imagesZIMBABWE. Chiweshe. November, 2012. The Salvation Army transferred than later dismissed the Howard Hospital Chief Medical Officer. His loss, whatever the real reasons for his departure, leave a large number of people in the hospital catchment area vulnerable or worse. Foreign aid has left. Patients refuse to go to the hospital; they want their doctor. This is a portrait series of people I met over the years or ones the doctor recommended I visit. All are deeply affected by this "normal" transfer of a cherished doctor.
8 imagesThe Howard Hospital is a rural mission hospital located in Zimbabwe. The Hospital is overrun by patients due to nation wide hospital closings in December 2008. The Howard is in a rural area and hunger is mounting due to a long drought and the time of the year. The situation is exacerbated by a collapsing economy and a national unity government political dispute.
36 images"Kenya: How is Your Condition?" is an essay from the archive. The earliest photos are from my first trip to Africa in 1985 which whetted my appetite for sub-Saharan Africa which continues to this day. The bulk of the photos were made in 1997. I like to think of these as my hommage to Cartier-Bresson -- he was definitely on my mind. The visit to the Dadaab Refugee Camps opened my eyes to social themes which I explore to this day.